Location:Township of South-West Oxford
Power:125 MW / 500 MWh
Region:Oxford County
Status:In development


After more than a decade of strong supply, Ontario has entered a period of emerging electricity system needs.  To address this need, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) is competitively securing 4,000 MW of capacity through the first Long Term Request for Proposals (LT1 RFP). In 2022 the IESO held the expediated process, E-LT1 RFP, securing up to 1,500 MW of capacity, 900 MW to come from energy storage. Boralex was awarded 380 MW in the E-LT1 competitive process. The IESO is now securing up to 2,500 MW of capacity through the LT1 RFP, of which 1,600 MW will be procured from energy storage.

Project Updates

  • The Oxford Battery Energy Storage Project was selected by the Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) as part of its Long-Term Request for Proposals (RFP) for storage capacity. The official announcement can be found here.
  • Boralex is looking for feedback on the proposed Project from stakeholders and Indigenous Nations. To provide feedback, please contact Oxford Battery Energy Storage Project Inc. (the Proponent) at: info@boralex.com
  • Boralex held a public open house about the Oxford Battery Energy Storage Project  September 14th, 2023. Information presented can be found here
  • Oxford Battery Energy Storage Project Inc. has received the municipal approval in the form of a Municipal Support Resolution on October 3, 2023.

Project Overview

Boralex is proposing a battery energy storage system (BESS) project in the Township of South-West Oxford, Oxford County, Ontario. The Oxford Battery Energy Storage Project (Project) is anticipated to have a capacity of up to 125 MW. Once constructed, the Project will help meet the energy capacity need identified by Ontario’s Independent Electrical System Operator (IESO) and will also benefit the overall Ontario electricity system. Commercial operation of this Project is planned for 2028.  

Project Details

The project will consist of containerized batteries, inverters, medium voltage transformers, gravel internal access roads, buried collector and communication cabling, a small transmission substation and potential garage and operations and maintenance building. The layout of the infrastructure within the Project’s footprint has yet to be confirmed and will be determined through additional engineering studies, equipment procurement, and an environmental assessment. The Project will connect to an existing Hydro One transmission line located north of the proposed Project.  

The Project will provide reliable power capacity by drawing and storing energy from the grid during off-peak periods and releasing it back to the Ontario grid when energy demand is at its peak. The Project is expected to provide significant benefits to Ontario’s ratepayers by reducing the need and cost associated with using gas-fired power plants during times of peak demand as well as helping to clean Ontario’s electricity system.  

Project Location


Oxford Battery Energy Storage Project Open House Meeting Minutes - September 14, 2023

Oxford Community and Indigenous Engagement Plan 

Open House Boards - September 14, 2023

September 14, 2023 Open House Invitation

Frequently Asked Questions

What is battery energy storage?

Battery storage, or battery energy storage systems, are devices that enable energy from power sources, like hydroelectric, wind, and even the electrical grid itself, to be stored and then released when customers need power most. Lithium-ion batteries, which are used in mobile phones and electric cars, are currently the most-used storage technology for large scale energy storage projects to help electricity grids ensure a reliable supply of energy.

Why is energy storage important?

Battery energy storage technology has a key part to play in ensuring homes and businesses can be powered, even when the sun isn’t shining, or the wind has stopped blowing. The energy system must match energy supply with customer demand. Battery energy storage systems charge up when energy sources are producing more energy than customers need and discharge during times of peak demand to provide a reliable, steady supply of energy.

How does a battery energy storage system work?

Battery energy storage systems are considerably more advanced than the batteries you keep in your kitchen drawer or insert in toys and other electronics. A battery energy storage system can be charged by electricity generated from renewable energy, like wind and hydroelectric power, as well as drawing and storing energy from the grid during off-peak periods.

Intelligent battery software uses algorithms to coordinate energy production. Computerized control systems are used to decide when to store the energy to provide reserves or release it to the grid. Energy is released from the battery energy storage system during times of peak demand, keeping costs down and electricity flowing.

What does a battery energy storage site look like?

A battery energy storage system (BESS) project would consist of containerized batteries, inverters, medium voltage transformers, gravel internal access roads, buried collector and communication cabling, a small transmission substation, potential garage and operations and maintenance building, and connect to either a transmission system or distribution system depending on the system of the project.

The Oxford BESS project will also connect to an existing Hydro One transmission line located north of the proposed project. 

What effects will the Oxford project have on the environment?

The project will have a positive impact on the environment, combating climate change by mitigating the variability of renewable energy production and the cycling of natural gas facilities. Leveling this variability helps ensure the reliability and stability of the electricity grid as it fosters the penetration of renewable energies. A project like this also helps to reduce harmful emissions as it lightens the load of traditional energy generation systems that rely on fossil fuels, such as gas-fired power plants.

Potential environmental effects will be determined during the Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for Transmission Facilities in accordance with the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act. The Class EA is a streamlined process for transmission projects anticipated to have a predictable range of environmental effects that can feasibly be mitigated with protection measures. More information about the Class EA can be found on the Hydro One website here.

Is energy storage clean?

Yes. Energy storage usually needs a minimal footprint and does not require pipelines for its operation. It stores energy when it is abundant and releases it when more power is needed on the grid. Moreover, it generates almost no waste or polluting emissions. As such, energy storage helps to reduce harmful emissions as it lightens the load of traditional energy generation systems that rely on fossil fuels, such as gas-fired power plants. This translates to cleaner and more reliable energy for Ontario’s homes and businesses.

Contact Us

For more information or any questions, please contact our team:

Oxford Battery Energy Storage Project Inc. (the Proponent)

