Pursuing Our Ambitions and Creating Value

OUR ACTIONS beyond renewable energy

Find out how Boralex goes beyond renewable energy in communities.

Québec, Canada

10 years of commitment to the youth of Témiscouata

Kingsey Falls
Québec, Canada

See you at the Kingsey Falls Fishing Festival

Thetford Mines
Québec, Canada

10 years of commitment to Thetford Mines
Explore the stories

Wind farms are often developed in remote or rural areas. Indeed, the vastness of the territory and the strong winds in the more mountainous geographies make them ideal locations for wind power generation!

Such is the case in Quebec’s Témiscouata region, where Boralex has been operating two wind farms for nearly a decade. But remote regions often also mean demographic challenges, caused in particular by the exodus to the cities. For Boralex, as for all the companies and organizations based in these regions, this means more difficult recruitment, particularly in skilled trades such as wind turbine maintenance.

One solution? The Fonds Jeunesse Témiscouata (Témiscouata Youth Fund) of the Carrefour jeunesse-emploi du Témiscouata! This program offers scholarships to young people aged 18 to 35 who live and/or work in the region. It’s a concrete way of encouraging young people to stay and work in Témiscouata.

The idea to contribute to this initiative came from Boralex employees in the region. Since its creation 10 years ago, thanks to the leadership of Tony Chouinard, Director of Wind Farms in Témiscouata, Boralex has contributed financially to the Fonds Jeunesse. The benefits are even felt right here at home: one of our wind turbine maintenance technicians was the recipient of one of these scholarships!

One small gesture at a time, Boralex is getting involved in the communities where it operates to make a positive impact while providing renewable energy that’s affordable for everyone.

That’s what it means to go beyond renewable energy.

Kingsey Falls is part of Boralex’s roots. Since the company was founded nearly 35 years ago, Boralex has been based in this village in the heart of Canada’s Centre-du-Québec region. We’re proud of our origins, and getting involved in the local community has been part of our identity for decades.

Getting involved isn’t just about putting your logo on a poster. For us, it means making an active, long-term contribution to community life in the regions where we operate, creating value for all. A case in point? The Kingsey Falls Fishing Festival (Fête de la pêche de Kingsey Falls)! The Festival is celebrated in the Province of Quebec every June. For 3 days, across the province, fishing is permitted without a license, and new fishing enthusiasts are introduced to the sport.

For more than 10 years, Boralex has contributed to the Kingsey Falls Fishing Festival by supporting the seeding of the Nicolet River, an essential step in the running of this family event. Last year alone, over 700 trout - rainbow, brook and brown - were released!

The Nicolet River is a dynamic watercourse, punctuated by waterfalls; it is ideally suited to hosting these trout. Word has spread - now sport fishing enthusiasts, young and old, come from all over the region to enjoy the annual Fête de la pêche organized by the Corporation des loisirs de Kingsey Falls!

In addition to placing community life at the heart of its project development, Boralex recognizes the importance of our rivers and the wealth they bring us, notably by supplying all of Quebec with hydroelectricity. Our hydroelectric facilities are operated with the utmost respect for these waterways.

One small gesture at a time, Boralex is getting involved in the communities where it operates to make a positive impact while providing renewable energy that’s affordable for everyone.

That’s what it means to go beyond renewable energy.

When you arrive in Thetford Mines, they’re impossible to miss: the wind turbines rise up to the horizon, visible from the heart of the city. Since 2013, the 59 turbines at Des Moulins 1 wind farm have been generating 100% renewable electricity, distributed directly to Quebecers.

While the wind farm has been in operation for over 10 years, the workers who ensure its operation are involved in the Thetford Mines community and strive to make their daily lives ever more sustainable - yes, beyond the green energy they help generate!

For example, expired first-aid kits were donated to the Cégep de Thetford Mines for use by nursing students. Also in collaboration with the Cégep, open-house days at the wind farm have been organized every year for the past 5 years. A chance to see the energy transition up close! Finally, the Boralex office in Thetford Mines is now equipped with two self-service bicycles. This promotes both a sustainable mode of transportation and healthy lifestyle habits for our colleagues!

By accomplishing many actions together, we create a big one and go beyond renewable energy. Through these three initiatives, which are the donation of first-aid kits, the installation of self-service bicycles, and the student visits on our sites, Boralex is giving back to the communities and its people by recovering items, promoting physical and mental health, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions,” says Myriam Savage, Wind Site Manager, Asset Management.

One small gesture at a time, Boralex is getting involved in the communities where it operates to make a positive impact while providing renewable energy that’s affordable for everyone.

That’s what it means to go beyond renewable energy.

Our impact

As integral parts of our business strategy, our sustainable development and corporate social responsibility (CSR) objectives guide our actions. From project development to commissioning, we respect the regulatory, cultural and operational realities of each region in which we operate.

Boralex is firmly committed to becoming a benchmark company that keeps going “Beyond renewable energy”. We strive to make every effort to improve our performance and have a direct and lasting impact on our environmental, social and governance priorities.


A successful energy transition is essential to fight climate change.

Actively engaged in this fight alongside our partners and the communities that host our projects, we put forward innovative initiatives and solutions to accelerate the development of renewable energies while respecting living beings and their habitats.


MEANINGFUL ACTIONS : Protecting aquatic fauna

Measures are in place to protect fish at our hydroelectric power plant sites. We carry out inspections outside the breeding season to protect certain species, and we adopt mitigation approaches right from the development phase.

Our environmental commitments and priorities


We continue to implement reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery initiatives, including an analysis of how non-hazardous waste is managed at our operating sites. We also aim to repair defective parts on our equipment rather than systematically replacing them to reduce our GHG emissions and waste production.


Biodiversity issues are considered right from the design stage of our projects in order to minimize impacts on the environment. From construction to operation, we implement mitigation measures to reduce the impact of our activities and evaluate the performance of new technologies and innovative processes to protect biodiversity.


Our priority is to contribute to the energy transition through our production of renewable energy, with the aim of avoiding 1 080 561 tonnes of CO2 emissions by 2025.

Minimizing the impact of climate change is at the heart of our mission statement. As a producer of 100% renewable electricity, we are actively participating in this transition. Our scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions are quantified, and we are in the process of having our science-based reduction targets approved by the Science Based Targets initiative.

Our commitment to the regions and communities in which we operate is essential, as is our collaboration with suppliers and partners.
This commitment is also expressed in the way we treat the members of our team.

MEANINGFUL ACTIONS: 2nd cohort of the A Effect’s Ambition Challenge

13 female employees across our different geographies took part in the 2nd edition of the A Effect’s Ambition Challenge. This development program is designed for women who want to assume their ambitions and communicate them more effectively, by developing three pillars: confidence, risk-taking and influence.

We have also achieved a Gender Parity Index of 92/100 in 2023 for France.

Our social commitments and priorities


The importance of integrating the notions of inclusion, diversity, and equal opportunity (EDI) into all our business practices is reflected, among other things, in the various training courses offered to employees. In addition, various actions have been taken in line with our objectives to increase the representation of women in management positions, on the Board of Directors and in hiring.


The safety and protection of the physical and psychological health of our employees are at the core of our priorities. We have targeted strategies such as awareness campaigns, training sessions, emergency simulation exercises, and we continuously assess the measures in place to take necessary corrective actions to ensure everyone’s safety.


It is essential for Boralex to ensure harmonious cohabitation over the long term for each project. As such, some projects are developed in partnership with local stakeholders. We also contribute to the vitality of communities and territories through donations (corporate philanthropy). When possible, we encourage the development of affordable energy solutions that enable local residents to benefit from locally-produced electricity.

Submit a request for donations and sponsorships


Boralex has built its reputation on transparency, excellence in business ethics, recognition of stakeholder interests, and respect for rights and freedoms.

These elements of governance are essential to the success of our corporate strategy as a developer, operator, reliable partner, and employer of choice.


Meaningful actions: Incorporation of CSR and Climate Considerations into Management Evaluation and Compensation

CSR indicators relating to occupational health and safety, representation of women in management positions and the climate have been included in short-term compensation schemes for senior executives.

Our commitments and priorities in governance


Over the years, Boralex has made numerous improvements to its governance. This has strengthened the consistency between the orientations set by management and the Board of Directors, and the decisions and actions taken on the ground.


Business ethics, integrated into our Code of Ethics, considers our constantly evolving business environment, sustained growth, recent regional diversification, and significant development ambitions.


A collaborative approach is advocated with our suppliers, and we ensure that they share our vision to ethics, health, safety, and the environment. As an example, a Responsible Procurement Charter is in place, and we work with a specialized third party to assess the CSR performance of our major suppliers.


MEANINGFUL ACTIONS : Protecting aquatic fauna

Measures are in place to protect fish at our hydroelectric power plant sites. We carry out inspections outside the breeding season to protect certain species, and we adopt mitigation approaches right from the development phase.

Our environmental commitments and priorities


We continue to implement reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery initiatives, including an analysis of how non-hazardous waste is managed at our operating sites. We also aim to repair defective parts on our equipment rather than systematically replacing them to reduce our GHG emissions and waste production.


Biodiversity issues are considered right from the design stage of our projects in order to minimize impacts on the environment. From construction to operation, we implement mitigation measures to reduce the impact of our activities and evaluate the performance of new technologies and innovative processes to protect biodiversity.


Our priority is to contribute to the energy transition through our production of renewable energy, with the aim of avoiding 1 080 561 tonnes of CO2 emissions by 2025.

Minimizing the impact of climate change is at the heart of our mission statement. As a producer of 100% renewable electricity, we are actively participating in this transition. Our scopes 1, 2 and 3 emissions are quantified, and we are in the process of having our science-based reduction targets approved by the Science Based Targets initiative.


MEANINGFUL ACTIONS: 2nd cohort of the A Effect’s Ambition Challenge

13 female employees across our different geographies took part in the 2nd edition of the A Effect’s Ambition Challenge. This development program is designed for women who want to assume their ambitions and communicate them more effectively, by developing three pillars: confidence, risk-taking and influence.

We have also achieved a Gender Parity Index of 92/100 in 2023 for France.

Our social commitments and priorities


The importance of integrating the notions of inclusion, diversity, and equal opportunity (EDI) into all our business practices is reflected, among other things, in the various training courses offered to employees. In addition, various actions have been taken in line with our objectives to increase the representation of women in management positions, on the Board of Directors and in hiring.


The safety and protection of the physical and psychological health of our employees are at the core of our priorities. We have targeted strategies such as awareness campaigns, training sessions, emergency simulation exercises, and we continuously assess the measures in place to take necessary corrective actions to ensure everyone’s safety.


It is essential for Boralex to ensure harmonious cohabitation over the long term for each project. As such, some projects are developed in partnership with local stakeholders. We also contribute to the vitality of communities and territories through donations (corporate philanthropy). When possible, we encourage the development of affordable energy solutions that enable local residents to benefit from locally-produced electricity.

Submit a request for donations and sponsorships


Meaningful actions: Incorporation of CSR and Climate Considerations into Management Evaluation and Compensation

CSR indicators relating to occupational health and safety, representation of women in management positions and the climate have been included in short-term compensation schemes for senior executives.

Our commitments and priorities in governance


Over the years, Boralex has made numerous improvements to its governance. This has strengthened the consistency between the orientations set by management and the Board of Directors, and the decisions and actions taken on the ground.


Business ethics, integrated into our Code of Ethics, considers our constantly evolving business environment, sustained growth, recent regional diversification, and significant development ambitions.


A collaborative approach is advocated with our suppliers, and we ensure that they share our vision to ethics, health, safety, and the environment. As an example, a Responsible Procurement Charter is in place, and we work with a specialized third party to assess the CSR performance of our major suppliers.

2023 Highlights

Boralex has set ambitious sustainability goals.

Throughout 2023, we launched and implemented initiatives that allowed us to make progress in this regard.

Fighting Climate Change
of electricity sales revenue comes from renewable energy production
More than 1 million tonnes of CO2 avoided in 2023
Process of establishing our GHG reduction targets underway for publication upon receipt of approval from the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)
Enhancement of the Board of Directors’ mandate to include risk monitoring responsibilities, particularly in terms of climate
Protecting Living Beings and Their Habitats
Introduced a company-wide strategy to promote physical and mental well-being in the workplace
Zero Tolerance Policy and Golden Rules in Occupational Health and Safety addressing 10 critical risks for our on-site employees
incidents of non-compliance associated with permits, standards, and regulations on water quantity and/or quality
Received approval from the French government to use IdentiFlight©, a tool that effectively reduces the mortality rates of protected bird species
Creating Value and Sharing with Our Partners
Signatory of the Renewable Synergy Charter, which centralizes funds to financially and technically support humanitarian projects for access to energy
Launch of a training program in wind turbine maintenance dedicated to the members of the Innu community, as part of the workforce requirements for the future operation of the Apuiat wind farm.
Reduced-rate electricity option for low-income residents with the Glens Falls Community Hydro project
Acting responsibly and sustainably
CSR indicators included in corporate executive compensation
of female representation throughout the company
EcoVadis Gold Medal
of the purchase volume for products exceeding CAD/USD/EUR 150,000 obtained from suppliers who have either signed the Responsible Procurement Charter or undergone an ESG analysis
Producing sustainably for future generations
Our integrated approach means that in all our activities and decision-making, we consider not only why we produce renewable energy, but also how, taking into account the extra-financial impacts arising directly from our activities.
As both producers and operators of sites, we have a comprehensive view of the entire lifecycle of our projects.
Prospection and development
Feasability studies
Regulatory studies and authorizations
Potential customers and partnerships
Agreements and partnerships
Construction and acquisition
Design and engineering
Project management
Asset integration
Maintenance of facilities
Relations with communities and territories
Protection of the environment
Corporate power purchase agreements
Customer service
End-of-life of assets
Sponsorships and Donations

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